Law services
in Moscow and Moscow region
Oleg Moliboga, Attorney at law, Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, experience since 1994, and lawyers with diplomas from leading Universities and extensive experience in judicial work. We successfully assist in the protection of rights and interests in and out of court.
Consultations, assistance in drawing up contracts, documents, judicial settlement of disputes on:
- realties
- inheritance
- family affair
- debt relations
- business activity from the creation of a company to bankruptcy
- any other legal issues
We help you make transactions with apartments, houses, plots, premises and avoid unnecessary taxes.
We are not realtors who are only interested in a percentage of the transaction, whatever it takes, but lawyers. We ensure your rights when conducting transactions, and we formulate their terms based on your interests.
We protect in administrative and criminal cases, during inspections of the Ministry of internal Affairs, Federal tax service, Federal customs service Federal emergency service and other regulatory agencies.
Free assessment of the situation, documents, and case forecast. We honestly assess the chances of winning. We collect legal expenses from the defendants.A transparent system of fee determining, no hidden and misunderstanding. We explain the process in detail.
Our fee
Registration of a real estate transaction — from 30,000 rubles, civil case — from 30,000 rubles, criminal case — from 50,000 rubles, appeal, cassation appeal — from 10,000 rubles, assistance in enforcement proceedings — from 15,000 rubles, services with hourly payment — from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles. It is possible to conduct business under a contract without advance payment with a full or partial “success fee” — You pay only for the result.
If you want to get a remote consultation, upload your question and documents to the feedback form at the bottom of the page or send them to or send them via messengers.
You can ask any questions, sign up for a free or paid consultation by phone
+7 (495) 545-84-80 (working hours) or +7 (903) 790-28-73 (urgent lawyer call, 24/7)
or via WhatsApp, Telegram messengers available by clicking the chat icon on this page
Confidentiality is guaranteed